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Once you and Dr.Achyuth decide that surgery will help you, the following steps are to be taken to achieve the best possible outcome.














Preparing for Your Procedure​

  • Preadmission: If you are over the age of 50 or if you have medical complications, we normally have you a pre-admission check-up.  You will be inspected by hospital staff, who may arrange necessary tests. Please take all of your medications, scans and documents to the pre-admission check-up.

  • Medications: Strictly follow the “Medications to stop before surgery”  informed to you before your procedure.

  • Smoking: If you smoke, you should STOP SMOKING at least 2-3 weeks before your surgery and stay off cigarettes for at least 4-6 weeks after the operation. Smoking affects wound healing and increases your risk of a chest infection post-operatively.

  • Pack some loose-fitting comfortable clothes/nightwear, and essential toiletries.

  • Leave valuables, jewelry, and money at home. 

  • WARNING: You must rest during post-operative recovery time. DO NOT plan to undertake physical activity during this time.

  • If you develop a cold, cough, or fever before surgery, please let us know.

  • You are in the safest of hands and we ensure to achieve the best possible result.




What To Do On The Day Of Surgery

  • Please shower or bathe in the morning on the day of your surgery.

  • No make-up and no nail polish 

  • Do not wear jewellery

  • Do not smoke

  • The Hospital will normally inform you when to stop eating/ drinking.



After Your Surgery

  • You will be given a detailed set of instructions after your surgery, along with medications.

  • For the first 24 hours after surgery, DO NOT- Drive a car or operate machinery & DO NOT-  Drink alcohol



Your First Follow-Up Appointment

  • You will be contacted by our staff with your post-operative appointment date and time

  • Please take your recommended pain medication 1 hour before your first post-operative appointment.

  • It is best to have someone drive you to your first post-operative appointment.


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